August 21, 2011

My New Hobby is Photography

This photo was taken by my mom when we were at the park.
I like taking photos with my camera. 
My mom gave me her old camera after she bought a new one.

I love taking photos of flowers in our garden. This is for Mellow Yellow.

 I took this in our favorite park. This is for Weekend Reflection.

 This pink waterlily is for Today's Flower.

 I took this photo of the lake where I feed fishes and birds.
This is for Green Monday.

This one is for Watery Wednesday.

 My Mom and Dad like sitting by this lake. This is for Skywatch Friday. 

 Weee!!! I love this sheep! This is for Camera Critters.

This photo was taken by my mom at the farm.
Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you like my photos.
I will share more photos next week.


  1. Wow! Amazing shots! :) Dad

  2. Beautiful ♥ I especially love the lily on the pond!

  3. Hi Zoe, thank you for sharing these lovely photographs with Today's Flowers. I was just about your age when I started my hobby of photography. You take great photos!

  4. Her photos are fantastic.

    Have a fabulous week.

    Liz @ MLC

  5. She'll be a good one. Love her photos.

  6. Really nice photos! The water lily is beautiful and I love the sunsets and the cute sheep. :)

  7. I loved all the pictures, especially the sky shots.

    Hopping from Green Mondays, my post is here:
    Green Mondays | Palm

  8. you have a knack for photography, pretty one. keep up the hobby.

  9. The waterlily and the sheep are my favourites, great job!

  10. Hi, Zoe! I’m amazed with your photography. I took up photography as my hobby last year and have really enjoyed it. While walking with a camera, I notice what I usually don’t. My favorite photo is water lily and large pads on the pond among all the lovely images. Enjoy your week.

    Greetings from Japan

  11. Dear Zoe,
    Obviously you have a talent for photography. Read and learn about photographic art and I'm sure one day you'll be a great and famous photographer.
    Nice photos in your post, especially I like the pink water lily and portrait of the sheep.

    Regards and best wishes for you and your mother

  12. Hi Zoe. I found your blog for the first time today and wow you are great to be posting on a blog! Love your pictures and especially the lily pond. also love the sheep portrait...just want to hug him he looks sooo cute!

    Cape Town

  13. Your photos are wonderful. Nicely timed.

  14. Well I hope you will keep that hobby, Zoe, cause you have a great eye to catch pretty things ! This is a very nice set of pictures, and I hope you will continue to chase reflections with us...

  15. so beautiful. that's a good hobby to begin with, I hope my peachy will learn how to shot beautiful pictures too. thanks for joining!

  16. the photos are all so lovely! thank you for leaving comments on my posts :)
